night view of the kissing towers

zlgdesign's kiss towers is a new direction being adopted for their tall structures work, as opposed to the new sharply facetted and segmented aesthetics adopted for parcel 4/5 Towers, located in the recently developed and masterplanned Kenny Heights. Kiss Towers are located off the Petronas Twin Towers, overlooking Mandarin Hotel and also some 5 minutes walk away from avenueK. Comparing the two projects and they seem to have a new art direction to experiment with and to develop for some time to come. The potential is there, and it is hoped the structural and technical issues can pose real challenges to their designers and their signature design intelligence.

"Kiss towers will take the reveal only one tower in the night, when lighting effects will make only the inside faces light up. An unusual concept emerges...one of two towers becoming one from day to night..interesting, " Dr. Lei Fu, LEOX Design Partnership.

"Once seen, never forgotten, it's definitely iconic...any 6-year old child could draw this on the back of an envelope...it's pure memory-", says Huat LIM.
