Architecture is about people. We collaborate with experts and special people like you at all levels of our work. Please send in your job inquiry or proposed collaboration to any one of the following contacts:
Huat LIM :
Kamen LEE:
Susanne ZEIDLER:
telephone: 6018 9293939
facsimile: 6018 9283939
We are located in Kuala Lumpur but have work in many parts of the world. Our company gives opportunities to those who wish to share our design and cultural philosophy which is that we do buildings that preserve trusted traditions and customs that has been the DNA of great architectural work. We believe that good design starts from understanding the human condition and embracing passion as a necessary precursor to any aesthetic act.
Our business address is at 1-8 @ d7 no. 800 Jalan Sentul Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Our business address is at 1-8 @ d7 no. 800 Jalan Sentul Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.